Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June isn't exactly bustin' out

Our heat wave has been followed by something that feels like October, without the colorful foliage.

It's 42 degrees this morning. It's been warming into the low 60's during the day, and we've been getting some rain, for which the garden is very grateful. But this isn't June as I have been accustomed to. Alas, the global weirding continues.

William Baffin rose
The garden looks good. The indoor projects are still coming along.  We still have a big decision to make about flooring, and maybe we'll have it figured out in a year or so. The sheer number of decisions, small and large, that you have to make when you take on a remodeling project of this magnitude can be overwhelming. We are essentially doing a complete makeover of our entire house.

 But, I make a point of getting out and about in the community, supporting local events and looking for ways to make a difference. After church on Sunday, we went to the fundraiser for our locally owned low power radio station, WRFA, at Southern Tier Brewing Company. (In the true spirit of community, they host quite a lot of these fund raisers for local groups, and contribute a portion of the proceeds from food and beverage sales to the beneficiary.) The light rain failed to dampen the turnout, and our stellar local musicians had the place rockin' for the afternoon. 

Blueberries are growing!
This week, it's strawberry picking, the library book sale,  and the Rib Fest.

I want to say a few things about the working poor, and the not-so-poor who control the BPU, but I'll save that for my next entry.

Wish my kids were here, but life is really pretty good for these times.

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