Friday, January 21, 2011

Getting organized--a new way of life

I know why downsizing is so difficult--I'm having to learn a whole new way of living.

Not that I was ever excessively (I know, in the eye of the beholder) disorganized.  But when you're surrounded by a lot of space, you have a lot of places to stash things.

Now I have to think about it, and it's like the mother of all jigsaw puzzles.

I spend a lot of time poring over "getting organized" articles and "storage solutions" photos. No need to reinvent the wheel, the wisdom of others is out there. If you're an average European or US city apartment dweller, living in small spaces is normal. No wonder IKEA is so popular.

I'm having to reconfigure my living space in ways I never considered before. It's not a bad thing, but it's a challenge.

Food for thought:  storage cubbies and hooks eliminate the need for lots of furniture. Eliminating furniture frees up floor space.

Meanwhile, baby steps. I've rearranged the furniture again.  Old magazines went in the recycling bin. My pots and pans are hanging now.  I'm putting like with like in baskets and bins, and organizing drawers. I'm working towards finding a place for everything and putting everything in its place.

Yesterday, the cooking utensils. Today, the refrigerator. Tomorrow, the world! Or something like that.

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