Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Rainy day blues

This is probably my least favorite time of the year. It's muddy paw print season. Though we get a few moments here and there when it is possible to pull on the rubber boots and garden gloves and do some "clean up" in the yard, we're still on the cusp of winter. It's cold. There are still a few dirty patches of snow around--blackened shrinking mountains of it around the edges of parking lots. Rain is in the forecast most days, but the overnight temps are still quite frosty. I'm looking out the window at snow flurries this morning. They will become more liquid as the day goes on.

Tom has taken a few bike rides, but I've mostly been hunkered down indoors, reading and stitching, waiting for "real" spring to arrive, when things start turning green and leafy. We get out for yoga, church, the library, shopping, sometimes lunch--but we tend to be very boring people these days. I'm sad about the sorry state of our world and end of life in these United States as we once knew it (or thought we knew it, since it was mostly illusory), but especially sad that so many people remain in fantasy land until they get blindsided by reality, inevitably followed by scapegoating instead of personal responsibility.

When I ponder the dark side of human nature, I really, really appreciate the loyal companionship of my dog.

Alas, I'm experiencing a little "down time" here, but will be proactive and maybe even "perky" again soon. Life goes on. Who is old enough to remember Sam Jaffe drawing the symbols on the blackboard at the beginning of every episode  of "Ben Casey"--man, woman, birth, death, infinity? Wow, these blasts from the past come out of nowhere sometimes.

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