Friday, August 5, 2011

Catching up

We've spent the past week catching up and getting back into the local groove.

The unpacking is going well, I think, if a bit slowly, as we figure out where everything belongs. We are still going to need a little bit more indoor space, and it's a matter of how and when, not if.

Meanwhile, we're really enjoying the new outdoor space and the "white border"is coming together pretty well. Yeah, I know, you're seeing pink things and a hydrangea bush with NO flowers, chewed to nubs by deer.  But should it recover and bloom, those flowers will be white; ditto the rose trellis intended for the front of the shed, which we can get now that we've gotten our Element back from the body shop. (Even though the rose Okay, so I thought a little pink went nicely with the white.)  In case I forgot to mention it, while we were in the middle of moving, I got my car door crunched by another driver in the Home Depot parking lot. $2000 worth of crunching. And we've been driving a little itty bitty rental car for the past week while the door has been getting replaced.

Last Sunday, we went to our church picnic, graciously hosted by Len and Carole Faulk at their lovely home (with a lovely pool that our grandson would have enjoyed if only he had visited us a week later!)  We  had a wonderful time catching up with some of our favorite people and met a few new ones too, like Angelo and Ylsa Giuffre, a  young hometown couple who are starting a new non-profit to support local artists. It's exciting to see young people plunging ahead with building the community. We need more young people to stay (or move in) and contribute, of course--the latest census shows Jamestown is strong in the baby boomer category, but especially weak in the 25-44 group. Can anybody say...JOBS?   We've got to stop sending everything overseas.  Support your local economy, people! 

We took time out this week to do some browsing at antique shops and estate sales (we weren't really shopping--we have enough stuff to deal with right now) and had lunch at some local establishments. Jamestown is especially bustling right now with the Lucy Fest--celebrating hometown gal Lucille Ball's 100th birthday.  This brings in fans from everywhere--and being a milestone year, there is special entertainment with  big names like Joan Rivers and Paula Poundstone.  This Saturday at 2 pm, everyone is being urged to "Be a Lucy!" (for a $5 registration fee, you even get a basic costume to help you out!)--as an attempt is made to set a Guinness Book record for the most Lucy impersonators in one place at the same time. Tracy Plaza will be the site of this people watching event extraordinaire. I'll be there with my camera!

This morning we went out to the farm in Cherry Creek (Roots & Wings, our CSA) to say hello to the chickens and pigs and put in a couple of hours of work. It's been a very hard year for the farmers (and gardeners!)  because of the lack of cooperation from Mother Nature. The weeds always manage to come out ahead in the struggle, which is why they are weeds, I guess.  Well, we took part in a weed massacre and uncovered a couple of rows of potato plants!  It's also garlic harvest time, and we spent some of our time laying them out in trays to dry.

Afterwards, we stopped by the "Wild West Side" garage sales in the Royal Avenue neighborhood, which is one of the Renaissance Block Challenge groups.  These are older neighborhoods engaged in collaborative efforts to make improvements and revitalize their neighborhoods. They are eligible for matching funds, discounts from sponsoring merchants,  and design assistance. The old houses are looking good,  their porches dressed with flower boxes and hanging planters...which I think of as "jewelry" for houses. And the organizing efforts of some residents are evident in their well planned garage sale event. It gives me ideas.

But right now, I'm ready for a nap.

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