Saturday, March 17, 2012

March Madness

Maybe it's the shape of things to come, but right now we are having what seems like unbelievable weather for mid-March. It's still late winter, officially, but it's sunny and balmy. No jackets needed. Kids out in the streets on their bikes and skateboards, even after dinner when it's getting dark.

It's 72 degrees on St. Patrick's Day, which I seem to remember as a time when we kept marching (Girl Scouts in the parade) to keep from freezing solid. For some reason unknown to me, Jamestown celebrated last Saturday, a week early. Maybe they thought they'd trick Mother Nature into an early spring. Actually, I have no idea and pulled that one out of my hat, but this is a city of Swedes and Italians, so what can I say.  I don't think they dye the Chadakoin River green either, but what do I know.  I missed the whole thing.

But I'm way ahead of schedule with my garden cleanup and rose trimming this year. The raised beds are just about ready for planting, but I'm not doing that for a while because this is not normal.

Besides, we're having some more work done on the house in about a week, so I need to get busy and select light fixtures, bath fixtures, tile, and stuff like that. Chaos may be contagious, because Ronnie and Sheryl next door are turning everything upside down in their house too. 

How many of you read the title and thought I was going to write about college basketball?

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