Saturday, March 10, 2012

Springing forward

This week we had a brief taste of spring. This morning it is 18 degrees. March is like that.

This weekend is "Maple Weekend," the first of two here in NY.  [EDIT: I'm a week early! It's actually NEXT weekend! Can't blame me for anticipation!]  It's going to be nice and sunny, if not exactly warm, so why not head out to Big Tree Maple and learn (taste!) more about one of our great local (and natural) products. Sorry, Mrs. Butterworth and Aunt Jemima, you lose out by a landslide to "the real thing."

The forecast for the coming week is even better, so much so that I am planning to  turn over the soil in my raised beds and start marking the squares. I've decided to try "square foot gardening" this year, and have been doing lots of reading and drawing diagrams to get my plans in order.  I have some seeds left over from last year, and some freebies I picked up at last weekend's garden fair, but there are some "decisions, decisions" yet to be made about what varieties to plant! I am loving my Seed Savers Exchange catalog--gorgeous color photos of so many varieties of heirloom veggies that tempt me to plow up my whole yard and turn it into an urban farm.  But...the dog needs room to run, and I no longer wish to destroy dandelions, having decided that they're going to be part of our diet.

Turn your clocks ahead tonight as Daylight Savings Time returns.

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