Saturday, February 19, 2011

As winter drags on...

I watched my yard turn to mud yesterday as water streamed toward the low spot in back. Two days of 55 degrees inevitably wreaked havoc on the snow base that's been in place for the past two months.

Now comes that point in the season when we've had enough. Our sparkling Dr. Zhivago winter wonderland morphs into a bleak and dirty setting fit for a post-apocalyptic sci-fi horror flick. We can't wait for winter to leave, but Mother Nature doesn't take the hint.

The thaw took its toll on the Mayville Ice festival's ice block castle, too. They were unable to hold their lighting ceremony last night.

Maybe they'll have more luck today. The wind howled all night as a clipper came roaring in from the north. It's back in the 20's today and there a bit of new snow blowing around. That seems to have salvaged the weekend for Tom's snowshoe outing on the overland trail. It should help stabilize the castle. We'll be back to single digits in a couple of days. Mother Nature is stubborn.

The dog and I are quite cozy indoors by the fire and I have a nice stack of books to read. Bring it on.

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