Sunday, February 27, 2011

Waiting for spring

I went into hibernation this week, more or less. We had two more snowstorms. I like snow (it's pretty to look at),  but I don't have a burning desire to spend a lot of time outdoors playing in it like Tom does.  He spent last weekend backpacking (with snowshoes) on the westside overland trail with a friend from Cleveland, two overnights in the tent. He enjoyed it. I stayed home and painted the bedroom and did some cross stitch.

Going anywhere is almost too much trouble.  I'm weary of boots and gloves and long underwear. It must be great to be an all-weather dog. This is the part of winter that is l-o-n-g, the part when you want to wake up and find yourself in the Caribbean and walk freely between indoors and out in your sandals. Alas.

We went to church this morning and I'm glad I dragged myself out.  There is an amazingly interesting and intelligent group of people to be found in that small congregation. Following the service today,there was a potluck lunch, and I had forgotten how fun those can be. We held them monthly at our small church in Erie, 25 years ago,  but when we moved to Cleveland, the church there was too big for those kinds of gatherings to work well.  I am a huge fan of potlucks, however, and recommend them to everybody.   Sharing food and conversation with others does so much to foster a sense of community and deepen friendships.  I would love to try this with my neighbors, but will have to wait till summer when we can eat outdoors because this house really has no space for entertaining company. Alas.

The news about neighborhood revitalization planning in Jamestown is kind of interesting. Although it is primarily focused on the physical aspects of neighborhoods--improving appearances and maintaining property values--some really good ideas are being discussed, such as establishing a central tool-lending library to facilitate residents' DIY projects, and exploring ways to make renters (as well as homeowners)  feel integrated into their neighborhoods. It's good to know that someone is taking this on.

Back to the cross stitch.

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